Knee Strikes: How to Use Them in Kickboxing

Kickboxing is one of the most exciting and dynamic combat sports in the world. It requires a combination of different techniques to master, including punches, kicks, elbows, and knee strikes. Knee strikes are one of the most effective and powerful techniques in kickboxing, and they can cause significant damage to your opponent. In this article, we will explore the different types of knee strikes in kickboxing and how to use them effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced kickboxer, mastering knee strikes will undoubtedly give you an edge in your next match. So, let's dive in and learn how to use knee strikes in kickboxing like a pro!

What are Knee Strikes in Kickboxing?

Knee strikes are a technique used in kickboxing to strike your opponent with your knee. They can be executed from different angles and distances, making them a versatile technique to have in your arsenal. Knee strikes are usually used at close range and can be executed with either one or both knees. They are also effective in long-range, where they can be used to counter an opponent's attack.

Knee strikes are a common technique in Muay Thai, a martial art that originated in Thailand. Muay Thai fighters are known for their devastating knee strikes, and many of them have used this technique to win fights. In kickboxing, knee strikes are not as common as punches and kicks, but they can be just as effective when executed correctly.

Types of Knee Strikes in Kickboxing

There are several types of knee strikes in kickboxing, including straight knee strikes, diagonal knee strikes, and jumping knee strikes.

Straight Knee Strikes

A straight knee strike is a knee strike that is executed straight ahead, towards your opponent's midsection. To execute a straight knee strike, you should first get into a clinch position with your opponent. You can then use your lead leg to step forward and bring your rear knee up toward your opponent's midsection.

Diagonal Knee Strikes

A diagonal knee strike is a knee strike that is executed at an angle toward your opponent's midsection. To execute a diagonal knee strike, you should first get into a clinch position with your opponent. You can then use your lead leg to step forward and bring your rear knee up towards your opponent's midsection but at an angle.

Jumping Knee Strikes

A jumping knee strike is a knee strike that is executed by jumping toward your opponent and striking them with your knee. To execute a jumping knee strike, you should first create distance between you and your opponent. You can then jump towards your opponent, bringing your knee up towards their midsection.

Benefits of Using Knee Strikes in Kickboxing

There are several benefits of using knee strikes in kickboxing, including their effectiveness in close range, their versatility, and their ability to cause significant damage to your opponent.

Effective in Close Range

Knee strikes are effective in close range, whereas punches and kicks may not be as effective. When in a clinch position, knee strikes can be used to strike your opponent's midsection, causing them to lose their balance and fall to the ground.


Knee strikes are versatile and can be executed from different angles and distances. They can be used to counter an opponent's attack, or they can be used as a surprise attack to catch your opponent off guard.

Significant Damage

Knee strikes can cause significant damage to your opponent, especially when executed with full force. A well-executed knee strike can knock the wind out of your opponent, leaving them vulnerable to further attacks.

How to Execute a Knee Strike in Kickboxing

To execute a knee strike in kickboxing, you should first get into a clinch position with your opponent. You can then use your lead leg to step forward and bring your rear knee up toward your opponent's midsection. It is essential to keep your balance and to use your core muscles to generate power for the strike.

When executing a knee strike, it is crucial to keep your guard up to protect yourself from any counter-attacks from your opponent. You should also aim to strike with the hard part of your knee, which is the bone just below your kneecap.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Knee Strikes in Kickboxing

There are several common mistakes that kickboxers make when using knee strikes, including telegraphing the strike, not using their core muscles, and not protecting themselves from counter-attacks.

Telegraphing the Strike

Telegraphing the strike means giving your opponent a signal that you are about to execute a knee strike. This can be done by lowering your level or looking down before the strike. Telegraphing the strike gives your opponent time to prepare for the strike and can make it less effective.

Not Using Core Muscles

To execute a powerful knee strike, you need to use your core muscles to generate power. Not using your core muscles can result in a weak strike that is easily blocked or countered by your opponent.

Not Protecting Yourself

When using knee strikes, it is crucial to protect yourself from any counter-attacks from your opponent. Failing to protect yourself can result in significant damage and can even lead to a knockout.

Tips for Improving Your Knee Strikes in Kickboxing

There are several tips that you can use to improve your knee strikes in kickboxing, including practicing with a partner, focusing on your form, and using resistance training.

Practice with a Partner

Practicing knee strikes with a partner is an excellent way to improve your technique and timing. You can also practice different types of knee strikes and work on countering your partner's strikes.

Focus on Your Form

Focusing on your form is essential when executing knee strikes. You should aim to keep your balance and use your core muscles to generate power for the strike. Practicing in front of a mirror can help you identify any areas that need improvement.

Use Resistance Training

Using resistance training, such as weightlifting or resistance bands, can help you build strength and power for your knee strikes. It is essential to focus on exercises that target your core and leg muscles.

Drills to Practice Knee Strikes in Kickboxing

There are several drills that you can use to practice knee strikes in kickboxing, including knee strikes on a heavy bag, knee strikes with a partner, and knee strikes while shadowboxing.

Knee Strikes on a Heavy Bag

Practicing knee strikes on a heavy bag is an excellent way to improve your technique and power. You can also practice different types of knee strikes and work on your footwork.

Knee Strikes with a Partner

Practicing knee strikes with a partner is an excellent way to work on your timing and technique. You can also practice different types of knee strikes and work on countering your partner's strikes.

Knee Strikes while Shadowboxing

Practicing knee strikes while shadowboxing is an excellent way to work on your technique and footwork. You can also practice different types of knee strikes and work on your balance and form.